Sotera Health

The sterilization and testing leader solidifies its collective strength to safeguard global health.

Coming together to conquer the mission-critical

Sterilization and testing are highly regulated and ever-consolidating. Yet in an industry that’s continually in flux, Sterigenics International saw an opportunity for the future.

Customers viewed the company as being on par with its competitors. But the Sterigenics International team, including three private equity-owned subsidiaries nested within the parent company—Nelson Labs, Sterigenics and Nordion—knew it could pull ahead, being the first organization to offer services and products across the entire supply chain. Offering a true one-stop shop solution for their customers, Sterigenics International could reinvent the industry.

Reframing the game

No one else in the industry was bringing together individual elements across the supply chain, and customers were working with many different partners, making for a lengthy and inefficient experience. At the core, marketplace operations stood in contrast to the way customers thought about their needs.

Partnering with Monigle, Sterigenics International looked to elevate its new parent brand, by communicating a vertical integration story to current and potential customers.

By taking a holistic approach, Sterigenics International would be able to create a two-fold redefinition of the industry: The company would improve not only how it took its products and services to market, but also nurture a sense of safety and confidence in its customers. Customers were on board for a one, far-reaching partner, knowing that Sterigenics International would work overtime to address their challenges and push innovations, while maintaining service and satisfaction.

The gatekeepers of well-being

By reframing how Sterigenics International cares for its customers, the company could impact every conversation and touchpoint across the supply chain. The team looked to brand to drive internal transformation and signal it externally, building a brand platform and story that highlighted a new focus on safeguarding global health.

To embody this spirit, the team wanted a new name for the organization. Of 300 options, one inspiration stood out: Soteria, the Greek goddess of safety. So Nelson Labs, Nordion and Sterigenics became Sotera Health, with “health” signaling the bigger vision of the brand’s holistic and integrated offering. As Sotera Health, the organization would continuously push for development of mission-critical solutions, while remaining committed to protecting global health.

The brand architecture reinforced the subsidiary brands’ connection to Sotera Health while capitalizing on the legacy brands’ individual strengths. Therefore, they share a molecule-inspired symbol and design system. Evoking clarity, coherence and operational efficiency, its threads joined together to form a shield, signifying both the organization’s foundation in science and its promise of protection. The design system also includes an updated selection of photography, capturing both Sotera Health’s role as a healthcare leader as well as the humanity behind the science.

"I can’t thank the entire Monigle team enough for your partnership and support along the entire journey. We ended up in an extraordinary place… and I am watching firsthand the momentum rise and the perceptions change."
Kristin Gibbs
CMO, Sotera Health

Three companies. One focus.

In launching its new name and identity, Sotera Health signaled its transformation into an integrated organization and its commitment to delivering on a holistic customer value proposition.

“Our new brand underscores the customers’ recognition of our more expansive partnership as they innovate in an ever-changing and increasingly regulated healthcare world,” said Michael Petras, CEO of Sotera Health.

13 countries

Sotera Health operates in 62 facilities across the globe, from China to Denmark to Brazil.

180 million people

Sotera Health’s 2,800 employees touch the lives of millions of people every year.

75 in 100 industry leaders

Sotera Health’s base of 6,000-plus customers includes the majority of top medical device manufacturers.

500+ years in the business

Across its three operating entities, Sotera Health combines more than half a millennium of scientific expertise.

"The response from all ends of the globe and every type of internal and external stakeholder has been nothing short of fantastic."
Kristin Gibbs
CMO, Sotera Health